Writer and Advocate for Women

Writer and Advocate for Women
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style” Maya Angelou

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Paying it Forward...There is Kindness in the World

For many their world is not what it use to be......times are tough and an everyday challenge......

We all know someone in need. They may be trying to hide it from you out of embarrassment, but if you stop and think I bet you can come up with at least 2 friends, neighbors, family members, or associates that are really struggling.

If you know someone who is struggling or in need don't wait for them to ask for help, offer it, or better yet do something nice for them just because. You can do it anonymously.

A few examples of kindness
Pay someones rent for a month.
Pay someones cell phone bill, gas bill, electric bill or cable bill. Simply call up the company and pay it.
Give Beauty certificates - hair, nails, massage
Give movie gift certificates so they can have some FUN!!!!
Invite a friend to dinner on you!!!
Drop off a bag of groceries or give a gift card.

Some of the most basic items are needed daily - toilet paper, paper towels, dish soap, laundry detergent (maybe a roll of quarters to go with), body soap, shampoo, conditioner, razors.

If a Pet is present. For me I am a DOG LOVER, then give them some dog treats and toys.

Use your imagination....You will receive great Joy your heart in return.

Today, while I was buying a delsih cup of coffee I decided to buy a gift card. I then turned around and presented it to the nice young man standing behind me. The reaction from all that were present was moving. It was completely spontaneous on my part and very fulfilling as I made an impact on others.

I would love to hear your own stories, ideas and thoughts....

defintiely catherine

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